Birthday Wish Gone Wrong: The Hilarious ‘Six’ Misunderstanding

A man asked his wife what she’d like for her 40th birthday.

“I’d love to be six again,” she replied.

On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a local theme park.

What a day!  He put her on every ride in the park:  the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear, everything there was!  Wow!Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her head reeling and her stomach upside down.

Right to a McDonald’s they went, where her husband ordered her a Happy Meal along with extra fries and a refreshing chocolate shake.Then, it was off to a movie – the latest Disney and what a fabulous adventure!

Finally, she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed.

He leaned over and lovingly asked, “Well, dear, what was it like being six again?”

Wearily, she raised her head, and said;

“You idiot, I meant my dress size.”

The moral of this story is:

When a woman speaks and a man is actually listening, he will still get it wrong.

Enjoyed this joke ? Here are 20 more jokes like this.


  1. Grandma’s New Gadget
    Grandma finally got a smartphone for her 80th birthday. She spent hours poking around the apps, marveling at how she could read the news and play solitaire on the same device. One day, she proudly announced, “I just used that ‘Finder’ app you talked about to find my phone. It beeped at me from under the couch!” Confused, her grandson said, “Grandma, you don’t have the ‘Find My Phone’ app. What did you actually press?” She shrugged. “I just called the phone from my landline until I heard it ring!” Turns out, she’d invented her own “finder” app—just the old-fashioned way.

  2. The Mysterious Chef
    A man boasted to his friends that his wife was a gourmet chef who could whip up any cuisine in minutes. One evening, he came home to a feast that smelled absolutely heavenly. He found her in the kitchen with pots and pans everywhere. “Wow, you really went all out,” he said. She gave him a sweet smile and replied, “Yes, I tried four new recipes tonight!” Curious, he asked, “What are they?” She sighed, “I have no idea. I just tossed the cookbooks aside when I realized they were in French. So… we’re calling it ‘International Surprise.’” Turns out, the meal was delicious—but she couldn’t replicate it to save her life.

  3. The Overenthusiastic Fitness Tracker
    Sarah wore her new fitness tracker to bed, determined to measure every step, heartbeat, and calorie burned. She woke up the next morning, checked her data, and nearly screamed. It said she had taken 8,000 steps during the night! Worried she might be sleepwalking, she set up a camera. The next night, the same thing happened, but the footage showed her cat batting at her arm and swiping the tracker around while Sarah snored. The next day, Sarah told everyone, “My cat is the most active member of this household—and apparently, he logs better ‘steps’ than I do!”

  4. The Wrong Gift Card
    Mark was notorious for last-minute gifts. On his wife’s birthday, he grabbed a gift card from the junk drawer, put it in a fancy envelope, and handed it to her with a flourish. She opened it and blinked. “Honey, why did you give me a gift card for the local pet store? We don’t even have a pet!” He smacked his forehead. “That’s weird—I thought it was the spa voucher.” Turns out the dog groomer’s store logo looked suspiciously like the day spa’s. She decided to keep it anyway, joking that maybe she’d get her hair done at the dog groomer’s if times got tough.

  5. Little Sister’s Math Genius
    A father was proud of his teenage daughter for always acing her math tests. He bragged about how she could do advanced algebra in her head. One day, he asked her to calculate the tip at a restaurant. She stared at the check for a full minute, then said, “I don’t know how to do that without a formula.” Confused, he said, “Just do ten percent times two, roughly!” She frowned. “Dad, I only know how to do polynomials and quadratics. Tipping is… complicated.” She ended up rounding the number, paying five dollars extra. “Algebra is easy,” she quipped, “Real life is harder.”

  6. Office Refrigerator War
    In an office full of “food bandits,” everyone’s lunch kept disappearing. Fed up, Lisa taped a sign on her Tupperware: “Warning: This is a new diet recipe containing ghost peppers.” The next day, her container was gone anyway. Furious, she posted an angrier note: “Whoever took my lunch, you owe me a new Tupperware—and maybe a new sense of decency.” Hours later, a sheepish coworker returned the container, tears streaming down his face. “I only read the sign after I took a bite,” he whimpered, “I just wanted some chicken!” Lisa never lost a lunch again.

  7. Haunted Hotel or Not
    A traveling salesman, notorious for tall tales, claimed he stayed at a haunted hotel where a ghost roamed the halls at night. “Every time I drifted off, I heard rattling chains and eerie moans!” he told his coworkers. One of them asked, “Did you see the ghost?” The salesman paused. “No, but I felt it—my bed shook!” Another coworker who’d been to the same hotel chimed in: “That’s not a ghost, that’s the old heating system that rattles the pipes!” Crestfallen, the salesman muttered, “Well, maybe the ghost is in the pipes. So it still counts.”

  8. The Boss’s New Rules
    The boss sent out a stern memo announcing new rules: no personal calls, no browsing social media, and absolutely no desk snacks. The entire office groaned, seeing this as a crackdown on basic freedoms. However, the next day, the boss was caught munching potato chips at her desk while scrolling through cat memes on her phone. When confronted, she shrugged. “Oh, these rules don’t apply to me—I’m the boss!” The employees collectively decided to bring in giant jars of candy the following Monday, leaving them right outside her office. She got the hint, rescinded the rules, and joined them for a snack break.

  9. The Great Dishwasher Debacle
    A married couple argued daily about the correct way to load the dishwasher. The wife insisted that all plates face one direction, while the husband believed in “random geometry.” One day, the wife rearranged everything he had loaded, only to have him rearrange her rearrangement. This back-and-forth continued until they realized they’d spent 45 minutes on a single dishwasher load. Exhausted, they agreed to hire a cleaning service once a week. They ended up with more time together—and ironically, discovered they both liked hand-washing dishes while chatting about their day.

  10. That Unfortunate Playlist
    A young DJ was hired for a wedding, determined to impress with his fresh music mix. The bride and groom requested a slow love song for their first dance, but the DJ accidentally hit the wrong track. Heavy metal blasted through the speakers, causing the newlyweds to jump in shock. The crowd watched in stunned silence before the DJ scrambled to correct his mistake. Red-faced, he apologized profusely, but the bride and groom decided to roll with it—headbanging for a few hilarious seconds before the correct song started. Months later, they told everyone that was their favorite wedding moment.

  11. Family Recipe Gone Wrong
    A young professional tried to recreate his grandmother’s famous lasagna recipe to impress his boss at a dinner party. Grandma’s handwritten instructions were smudged, so he improvised a few steps. The lasagna emerged from the oven watery and tasted like soggy cardboard. Mortified, he served it anyway. The boss took one bite, paused, and said, “You know, I think this might be better as a soup.” Everyone politely spooned it into bowls, adding a dash of salt and pepper. Surprisingly, the “lasagna soup” became the hit of the evening, and he ended up with a promotion for his “creative thinking.”

  12. Self-Checkout Shenanigans
    A tech-savvy shopper loved using the self-checkout lanes at the grocery store. One day, she scanned her items swiftly, feeling like a pro, until the machine started beeping: “Unexpected item in the bagging area!” Confused, she looked down to find her toddler had placed a giant stuffed dinosaur next to the groceries. She removed it, but the beep continued. Turns out, the toddler had also tossed in a candy bar. Mortified, she canceled the transaction, and the toddler burst into tears. The store manager approached, smiling. “Don’t worry,” he said, “Our machines can’t handle dinosaur theft either.”

  13. Return of the Library Book
    A college student discovered an ancient textbook in his parents’ attic with a library stamp dated 15 years ago. Panicked, he rushed to the library to return it. The librarian scanned the barcode, her eyebrows shooting up. “This book is from our old system—pre-digital. Technically, we can’t even process your fine.” Relieved, the student asked, “So, am I off the hook?” The librarian shrugged. “We don’t have the record, so I guess you are.” Feeling oddly cheated out of a dramatic apology, he left, the librarian laughing as she mumbled, “Guess we’re both overdue on an explanation.”

  14. The Marathon Mishap
    Determined to prove she was up to the challenge, a woman trained for months to run her first marathon. On race day, nerves got the best of her, and she forgot to double-check her gear. Halfway through, she realized she’d put on mismatched running shoes—one from an older pair, one from a new pair. Her feet ached in bizarre ways, but she kept running. At mile 20, a photographer snapped a picture of her grimacing in pain. She finished the race anyway, telling everyone, “I ran a marathon in two different shoes, so I can handle anything life throws at me!”

  15. Office Prank Gone Too Far
    Two coworkers loved pulling pranks on each other. One day, “Employee A” replaced “Employee B’s” office chair with a slightly wobbly one. B spent all morning adjusting it, baffled by the subtle imbalance. Furious, B decided to get revenge by switching the sugar and salt in A’s desk drawer. The next morning, A nearly spit out his coffee, exclaiming it tasted like the ocean. The pranks escalated until HR stepped in, politely reminding them that workplace mischief could lead to actual injuries. They sheepishly apologized, deciding to funnel their competitive energy into after-work bowling instead.

  16. Grandfather’s Antique Car
    A grandson inherited his grandfather’s old classic car—a pristine vintage convertible. Excited to show it off, he took it for a spin around town. At a stoplight, a flashy sports car revved its engine, challenging him to a quick drag race. Feeling nostalgic and daring, the grandson floored it the moment the light turned green. The convertible sputtered, coughed, and died in the middle of the intersection. As the sports car sped away, the grandson realized he’d forgotten to fill the tank. The moral of the story: a classic might be cool, but it still needs fuel.

  17. The Surprise Performance Review
    A diligent employee, always behind the scenes, never expected to be noticed by higher management. One day, she was summoned to a meeting with the CEO, trembling with anxiety. To her astonishment, the CEO praised her for a major project success. Confused, she stammered, “But that was Daniel’s project, wasn’t it?” The CEO frowned, flipping through notes. “Actually, Daniel took credit, but the internal logs show you did 80% of the work.” The CEO handed her a promotion letter, adding, “Next time, don’t let others overshadow you. Great work deserves recognition—especially when someone tries to claim it.”

  18. The Yoga Class Confession
    A middle-aged man joined a yoga class to improve his flexibility. The instructor guided them through serene poses, encouraging everyone to focus on their breathing. Suddenly, a loud rip echoed through the studio—his yoga pants had torn down the seam. Mortified, he apologized and tried to slink out, but the instructor insisted he stay. “Happens to the best of us,” she said, handing him a spare pair of yoga pants. He stayed, finished the class, and discovered that the embarrassment actually broke the ice with his classmates, who found him refreshingly human.

  19. Car Keys in the Freezer
    A busy mom spent the morning frantic, searching for her car keys. She turned the house upside down—couches, drawers, closets—no luck. Finally, she opened the freezer to grab a bag of vegetables for dinner and found her keys chilling next to the peas. With a sheepish grin, she recalled the night before when she was so exhausted that she put groceries away while talking on the phone. She had apparently dropped the keys in the freezer during the call. Her kids teased her relentlessly, calling it “mom’s version of safe keeping.”

  20. The Endless Diet Saga
    A woman embarked on yet another diet, vowing this time would be different. She stocked up on vegetables, kale smoothies, and quinoa, determined to stick to the plan. On day three, she found herself craving chocolate so badly that she started “sniffing” a candy bar for relief. By day five, she had replaced half her meals with kale chips. Day six arrived, and she snapped, devouring an entire pizza in one sitting. When her friends asked how the diet was going, she grinned ruefully and said, “Well, I lost my mind but found my love for pizza. Let’s call it balanced living!”

Each of these jokes follows a short anecdotal style, offering a setup and a punchline twist—akin to the story of the 40th birthday surprise that ends with a hilarious misunderstanding. Enjoy

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